Monday, September 5, 2011

September 5th, 2011: Brian's too quiet

This morning it got a little too quiet.  So I started searching for Alexandra and Brian.  Alexandra was watching TV quietly.  Brian on the other hand has learned how to climb onto the kitchen cabinets. I found him with his hands in the "Nutella" Jar.  I had to laugh!  So I grabbed the camera before washing him up.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

September 3rd, 2011: Brian's First Haircut

Today Alexandra turned 6 and a HALF!  Brian, who is now 2 and 5 months, got his first hair cut!  Brian was able to chew hair from both the front and back of his head.  I loved his curls!!! Adam said it was time.  So off we went to Mrs. Melinda's for Brian's first hair cut.

He was so excited.  Once we arrived, Brian got up into the chair and was ready to go. He held very still.  Well as still as a 2 year old can be.  His hair was 6 inches long.  Mrs. Melinda did a great job.  He looks like a little boy instead of my baby boy.