Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Saturday May 21: Hadrian's Wall

  • Hadrian's Wall was ordered to be created by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in teh 2nd century AD  (around 117) to establish the northern England frontier and to keep the "caledionans" (Scots/Picks) from invading.  It travels  the width (84 miles) of England from Tyne in the east to Soloway Firth in the west.  We did not walk the whole thing.
We hiked out of the Steel Rigg car park in the Crag Lough near Vindolanda. It was a beautiful hike.  But I will admit to needing a little encouragement from Alexandra- "Come on mom."

This is a picture of what is left of a Milecastle.  Milecastles were used to as fortified gateways to the north & south and to communicate with other parts of the wall as to what was happening in either direrection.

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