Sunday, January 30, 2011

The beginning of our UK adventures, Tuesday, January 11, 2011:

We tried to leave USA but snow storm in ATL caused our TPA to ATL flight to be cancelled. We were re-routed by Delta- Laura, Alexandra and Brian: TPA to Minneapolis for a 22 hour lay over then a flight to Amsterdam with another layover and unsecured seats onto Manchester. Adam was sent to Detroit (layover) then onto Amsterdam (layover) and then unsecured seat onto Manchester. Fortunately a Delta service rep. saw the massive error in this logic and asked “Can you get to Ft. Meyers airport by 4:08 pm today?” It was 12:45 pm and we were standing in line at TPA. We were not sure we would make it in time to make it through security. But we did (thanks Mom). We got the only flight out of Ft. Meyers to ATL for the day! This was great b/c we were then able to get on our original outbound flight to Manchester.

The first flight Brian screamed the last 20 minutes for "DADDY". Then as soon as we landed and I handed him off to Adam it was "MOMMY". Fickle children! Alexandra was a pro. The second flight went as well as can be expected. Alexandra slept. She even fell off the bench/seats and climbed back up without remembering it at all. Brian slept for awhile on both Adam and I. He also introduced Adam to all the Air hostesses. J We landed in Manchester without incident.

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