Monday, November 28, 2011

Saturday, November 26th 2011: Mini-Mountaineers Basketball

Alexandra performed for the first time with her Mini-Mountaineers team at a ASU Men's Basketball game.  ASU vs. Mulligan- ASU WON.  We all enjoyed the game.  Here are a few photos of the game.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011: Marsh-mellow Snowmen

 This afternoon, Brian, Alexandra, Grandma Linda and I made marsh-mellow snowmen. Here they are:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011: Thanksgiving Lunch for 1st Grade

This year, Mrs. Eberle (Alexandra's 1st grade teacher) and 4th grade teacher: Mrs. Freeman (the 2 classes are book buddies) organized a TRADITIONAL Thanksgiving meal to be served at a local restaurant:  The Hob Nob Farm Cafe

The restaurant served a fabulous meal of turkey with cranberry sauce, corn, broccoli, mashed potatoes, bread and venison balls with Raspberry Ice-tea.  The kids LOVED the meal- some even asked for second servings.  The parents and faculty (teachers and County School Administration) volunteers acted as waitstaff. The kids (about 40) were so well-behaved. I have never been in a restaurant that full of people that was so quiet. After the kids left they walked up to the county Library for a story and a craft. 

Dr. Eberle mopping up afterwards

Monday, November 21, 2011: Thanksgiving Lunch at First Learning Center

The tradition at the First Learning Center, where Brian attends pre-school,  is to have a Thanksgiving lunch. the food is supplied by the parents, and teachers. It was a fabulous lunch.  Here are a few pictures prior to the lunch.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday November 11, 2011: Brian's Cast Off

Well its finally here, the day we take Brian for his check-up and cast removal.  Brian hated having his cast sawed off.  In fact, he told the nurse that she couldn't do it because that was his bandage.  Once the cast was off, Brian really babied his leg, something he didn't do for the last 3 weeks with his cast on. He demanded a "Band-Aide" for his leg before we left.

 If the x-ray didn't show enough new bone growth, Brian would be re-cast for another 4 to 6 weeks. You can  image my elation when the x-ray showed he had healed properly.  No need to re-cast Brian's leg!!

The doctor told us that Brian was not allowed to run, jump or climb for a few weeks and that Brian may limp for weeks.  We didn't understand exactly what he meant until we asked Brian to walk.  At first Brian refused to walk on it, or put any pressure on his leg at all.  We finally got him to hobble on it a little.  When he did, Brian walked like he still had his cast on his leg.  Then the doctor came back in to watch.  He explained that Brian's brain will have to tell his body over time to start walking normal but that it is not unusual for Brian to limp for 4 to 8 weeks.

Thursday November 10th, 2011: 10 years!!!

 Ten years ago today, Adam and I said our marriage vows.  It was a very special fun-filled day.  A few of the highlights from ten years ago: a Rabbi that put Adam's dad in "time out",  dropping the rings during the ceremony, the bride in tennis shoes and lots of dancing, drinking & eating.

This year our anniversary was on a busy Thursday- we spent it going to work and running errands.  The highlights included:  Adam got me flowers (Star Gazers just like on our wedding day), and we almost purchased the same card. (At the last minute I decided to go for sappy instead of funny but I wrote the funny in my card:  To the person who truly knows me and married me anyway.)

We have decided to do our big night out in December by going to Bern's Steak House in Tampa Florida.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7th, 2011: Adam's stitches removed

Adam met with the doctor today to get his stitches out.  He was given a boot (see pictures below). He is excited about the boot since he can take the boot off to take a shower or watch TV. He still needs to wear it everyday and to sleep.  He's not allowed to put pressure on his foot. So he will continue to be on crutches for another 8 to 12 weeks.

November 3rd: Daisy Ceremony

Alexandra had her first Daisy Journey Badge Ceremony.  She was awarded a new patch and eared 4 parts of her Daisy Petals.  She was very excited because she didn't know that she was going to get a badge or a certificate.  Her exact words were "OHHHHHHH  THANK YOU!!!!" I wish I had that part on video.  Pictures will have to do.

October 31st: Halloween

"Trick-or- treat! Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat.  If you don't I don't care, I will" ... dress up as something else and trick-or-treat some place else.  As per our usual,  we made Halloween into several events- even with the broken legs.  This year Alexandra went as a Cheerleader to a Girl Scout Event, Cinderella to Trick-or-Treating in the ASU Dorms and the Queen of Hearts to school and actual Halloween night for Trick-or-Treating on Grand Blvd.  Brian was Clifford (the Big Red Dog) for the Trick-or-Treating at ASU Dorms and a Tiger for school and actual Halloween night for Trick-or-Treating on Grand Blvd.  Here at a few pictures:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday October 30th, 2011: Random comments heard at the Newmark's this week.

Tuesday morning on the way to school, Alexandra and I were discussing that I would like her to go away to university when she is much older.  Alexandra started to cry. When I asked why she said:  "I don't want to go without Brian. I will miss him too much."

Sunday morning,
              Brian says: I need a spoon.
              Alexandra & I: So go get one.
              Brian: "I can't. I got a broken leg."
Notice this leg did not slow him down yesterday when he ran off with his candy dish.