Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 31, 2011: The Holiday Letter

As you know its been quite a year for the Newmark Family.  We have lived on 2 continents, visited multiple countries (documented in this blog) and had a ton of fun!!!  One of our biggest thanks is for technology.  Why technology you may ask. It helped us stay in touch with friends and family via Skype, Facebook and email.  We took over 7,000 pictures this year.  Yes I said over 7,000.  Can you image the cost of film for all those pictures?  Its been fun even narrowing them down to which one print.  Aren't you glad I decided on a blog instead of just sending you a link to 7,000 pictures. ;-) 

We spent the first 6 months of 2011, settling into our home at Keele University in Staffordshire UK.  From there we traveled quite a bit.  Mostly we made some great friends, whom we miss very much now that we are settled back in our house in Boone, NC.

We arrived back in Florida in late June just in time for David and Heather's beautiful wedding in South Florida. Then the mad rush back up to Boone so that Adam could teach summer school.  Alexandra started 1st grade at Hardin Park Elementary in early August.  I took a weekend to go to Emerald Isle NC with the ladies.  A week later, Brian, Alexandra and I drove down to Atlanta to visit our great friends Anusha, Anand, and Rachel (Andrew decided to head to MN instead of "play" with us in ATL. He was missed.).  After all those travels back in the USA, we settled down for the Fall semester--Brian in preschool, Adam teaching classes and co-directing the Graduate program, Alexandra in 1st grade and me in 1/4 time turned 1/2 time job in Academic Advising.  Yes, I was pretty happy to get my old job back after my "leave of absence."

The Autumn has been filled with music classes for both kids, cheer-leading, Daisy's (Girl Scouts for the 6 year old), Adam's and my 10 year anniversary and unfortunately trips to the hospital. (Don't get me wrong, the people are very nice and very good at their job.  I just wish I didn't know them in their professional capacity :-).

All in all, its been a fabulous year.  I hope that you all had as much fun as we did.  We are looking forward to 2012 and whatever other adventures head our way.   We wish you all a very happy and SAFE 2012.

Lots of love to you and your family,
Laura, Adam, Alexandra and Brian

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