Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Saturday, February 26th, 2011: Cadbury World and Marios' house

This morning was a very long day. It started at 5:30 am to get us all out to the taxi by 6:15 and on the train by 6:37 am on the way to Bournville. We were on our way to Cadbury Chocolate Factory. Alexandra’s “favorite” part of the day was going to the “Chocolate factory”. It was a surprise for her birthday. We didn’t tell the kids where we were going. Alexandra had to figure it out. We finally told her when she asked if we were going to a candy shop. The factory is lots of fun. We were in the first group at 9 am and could have spent all day there. Brian’s favorite part was dancing while at the factory. All of us really enjoyed it and we had plenty of chocolate. We even got to “design” our own candy bar. Alexandra chose marshmallows and chocolate, Brian chose (and yes he chose, he was very admit) gummy bears and chocolate, Adam chose biscuit (not soft flakey but British cookie biscuit), mom had rice crispies and chocolate. I had toffee popcorn and chocolate. Yummy. When Adam asked Brian what kind of chocolate he had today he replied: “All kinds”.

Then we met Marios, Angelica and Aysu (I-sue) for lunch at Café Rouge. It was lovely. Then we went back to their house to play for the afternoon. They gave Alexandra an early birthday present: a queen dress up costume. They also gave Brian a swashbuckler costume. Brian liked the costume enough to get the shirt on but then he saw a daisy dress he like better. So he spent the afternoon dressed up like a beautiful flower. The kids all played together. Both of ours got a little cranky toward the end. Marios then took us back to the train station to arrive home around 8 pm. We finally got the kids to bed around 8:45. Up early to bed late. Oh, I forgot to mention that Brian slept through the night again last night!!!

Alexandra's present & what Brian wore

Angelica and Brian having tea

What the costumes really look like

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