Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday June 11th, 2011: Ironbridge Gorge Area: Blist Hill, Tar Tunnel & Enginuity

The thief & the Bobby- Blist Hill

This morning we drove to the Ironbridge Gorge area to visit the living museum, Blist Hill.It was great. We got there on Horses in Harness weekend. We got to see the people in their respective roles. In fact, we even witnessed a burglary- a man stole a bike from outside the grocerers shop. The bobby came out and chased him down the street. It turned out that it was the police officers bike. It was a great performance. Alexandra really got into it. We had fish and chips for lunch and visited the town- most of it before it started to rain. I really loved this museum. It was everything I thought it would be. Adam also liked it. He had very low expectations and was very happily surprised. 

Blist Hill

The Tar Tunnel

After Blist Hill, we visited the Tar Tunnel. It was okay, but we all agreed that we would have been annoyed to pay to enter because it was just a tunnel where that oozed tar. Fortunatly it was part of our pass.

Then we drove by the Ironbridge. Ironbridge was built in 1779 entirely out of iron. Abraham Darby's bridge was to be the first in the world to use Cast Iron structurally and artists and writers, spies and engineers came from all over the world to marvel at "That most incomparable piece of architecture".



Then we grabbed a snack for Alexandra and Brian at the café of the iron museum. Then headed over to Engenuity museum. It was a hands on science museum. The kids really loved this one.

Sugar Pig- Victorian candy

Finnally we went to stay the night with Marios, Isu and Angelica in Brimingham. We arrived around 6 pm. We had dinner and the kids played. Brian ran a fever throughout the night. We had a delightful time. 
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