Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Saturday, June 4th, 2011: Dublin

We took the bus into Dublin and waited for the Book of Kells to open at Trinity College. AMAZING!!!! Alexandra and I took our time and enjoyed learning all about how the history of the book and how it was made. I liked how they would prick the lines on the vellum so that the scribe could feel the line so that he wrote in a straight line but it didn’t diminish the look of the page.

Next stop shopping and then the Museum Archeology & History, lunch at Spar and then Natural History Museum. The kids liked both of these and so did we. Next Temple Bar area for a pint and some ice cream. Then we walked up to O’Connell Street. Then looped back toward the castle and then stopped for dinner and to watch the football match in a pub. Then we took the bus home to prep for tomorrow.

Something to note: Alexandra saw beggars for the first time that she was able to read the signs for ‘donations’. It was heartbreaking to see her face when she turned back around. Just then a college student came out of a shop and place a penny on a barrier. I pointed it out to Alexandra and she was very excited to find money. Very soon we came across another person writing a sign in chalk telling his story and asking for assistance. She walked up and dropped her money in his cup. It was very touching.

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