Tuesday, October 11, 2011

September 24-25, 2011: Daisy Scouts to Ginger Cascades

It was an exciting day for Alexandra and I. Alexandra recently joined Daisy's (Girl Scouts for 6 year olds).  This was her first overnight camping trip.  We met up with the entire troupe at 7:30 am  to carpool down to Lenoir's Ginger Cascades Girl Scout Camp.  My car had to make a quick stop for Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, especially since the "hot now" sign was on.  When we arrived, we started a fun adventure learning about how to be good campers while the visiting the woods= Leave No Trace Behind.  ASU Recreation Management class members were our teachers.  Alexandra and my favorite session was fire safety, where we got to make Smores' YUMMY!!!  We spent the night (3 moms and 4 girls) in a cabin with ELECTRICITY, WOW!  The next morning we had breakfast, cleaned up the campsite and headed back home to Boone. All in all it was a great first camping trip.

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