Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011: Watauga Medical Center... again

One month ago today, I watched as they wrapped Brian's right leg in a cast.  Today I watched as they wheeled my husband, Adam, into surgery to operate on his left severed Achilles Tendon.  He came back with a cast on his left foot.

I now have 2 boys with casts on opposite legs.  I have told Alexandra that know matter the attention they get, under no uncertain circumstances is she allowed to break her leg!!!

We hope that Brian will get his cast off on Friday, Nov. 11th 2011.  Adam's will remain on for a bit longer.  He will have some sort of contraption on his leg until January at the earliest, or it could be until March.  We will know more on Nov. 7th.

We are hoping for a very mild winter.

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