Tuesday, October 11, 2011

September 26th, 2011: Brian Jumps.... end result a broken leg

So Alexandra and I returned home from Ginger Cascades,  Adam went off to work to finish a project. I started cleaning the house and sent the kids out to play on the swing-set. The next thing I heard was screaming, Brian in pain and Alexandra crying for help and to come quick.  I arrived outside to see Alexandra trying to soothe Brian.  Brian was on the grass by the swing-set's picnic table. I picked up Brian and tried to calm him. When he wouldn't let me touch this legs, I called Adam and told him that we were headed to the Emergency Room.  Adam said "I will meet you there."

Adam grabbed Brian from the car and took him into the Watauga Medical Center's ER.  After a few moments we were whisked off a room so that he could be given 3 shots of Fentanyl (more potent than morphine but lasts a much shorter period of time) to dull the pain and allow the Orthopedic Surgeon to set the leg and put on a fiberglass cast.  Brian really like how his finger would light up when the pulseox monitor was on his finger.  After being discharged, we took Brian out for ice cream. Its a rule in our house, you get a shot, you get ice cream. Then we went home.

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