Thursday, September 13, 2012

Brian's new nikname "Crash" is sticking ... a little too well

Earlier this month I decided that Brian's nickname should be changed from "Little Dude" to "Crash".  He is always running, jumping, playing to such extremes that crashes are inevitable.  Little did I know how foreshadowing this nickname would be. 

Today, Brian got to ride in an ambulance.  His babysitter (her first day for us) got into a car accident.  It was not too terrible but the airbags did deploy.  Fortunately, Brian was strapped into his car seat in the back of the car and the babysitter was wearing her seat belt.  Unfortunately, Brian complained that his neck hurt.  So he was strapped to a backboard and placed in a neck brace- he really didn't like that- and loaded in the ambulance (fortunately Adam reached him before they left the accident scene).

I arrived at the hospital after they were checked in. Brian was doing great.  He told Adam that he "needed a new babysitter because this one crashed her car."  The doctor took the neck brace off and checked Brian out.  ALL IS WELL for now.  Brian is on the "watch" list. He does have a scratch on his neck from the car seat belt. We are suppose to try to keep him from running around and doing too much activity.  :-) ha ha!

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