Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Next June..

Then came June... oh what a month we had.

Adam and I were still working full-time but managed to have some fun with the kids.
On June 7th- 10th, 2012, Alexandra, some friends and I headed to Washington D.C. for the 100 years of Girl Scouts celebration called "Girl Scouts Rock the Mall."

We had a fun filled weekend. We met a U.S. Senator, Tom Carper of Delaware. He invited us to his reception room and to meet all of his interns. Senator Carper was very gracious and kind. He arranged for us to have a private tour of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate buildings. Fortunately, Senator. Carper got us tickets into the White House. I was ecstatic! I don’t think Alexandra understood just how rare and special it is to visit the White House.

We visited multiple museums: Air & Space, Natural History, and the new American Indian. We walked to different monuments: Washington, WWII, and Viet Nam. Alexandra and I hiked over to see the Lincoln Memorial- one of her highlights.

Saturday was the official Rock the Mall celebration. I thought it was going to be a sing along. Nope, it was a rock concert for girls. Fortunately, Alexandra understood right away that I couldn't handle the crowd for too long so we walked our way through the Mall toward the Lincoln Memorial slowly trading S.W.A.P.S. http://www.girlscouts.org/who_we_are/facts/swaps/

We had are really wonderful time.  At some point Alexandra lost her Hello Kitty hat that we had bought at Marks & Spensers in England.  A bit of good luck-I had put her name and my cell phone in it. So when it was found, we got the call to collect it. Overall it was a good trip.

Also in June, Adam and I gave up the hunt for buying a different house in Boone.  Since we had looked and found nothing that we truly loved, we decided to build it ourselves. So we bought a piece of property in a neighborhood called Council Oaks. More on this as we progress.

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