Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sunday, April 24th, 2011: Brian's offically 2 & Easter


BRIAN IS OFFICALLY 2 and its Easter. What a busy day. We started with an Easter Egg Hunt around 9:30 am, then put lunch in: Leg of Lamb. Then chatted and had lunch. Said goodbye to Marios, Aysu and Angelica.

As we were saying good bye, a little girl pulled up across the street. I sent Alexandra over to ask her to play. She and her dad were going to ride her bike down to feed the ducks. So we got on our bikes and grabbed some bread and went along too.  Some where during this adventure, Brian found a mud puddle and proceeded to fall into it. Fortunately, the girls taught Brian how to roll down the hill to get rid of the mud.

Then our neighbors (other side) Karen and Hannah brought over food. YUM!!! While they were over, Brian and Hannah were playing. Brian was having difficulty sharing and was a little rough so Adam put him in the naughty chair. After a minute or so, Brian turns to us and says: “Sorry…. Sorry People.” We all started laughing. It was too funny.

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