Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday April 12th, 2011: North Staffordshire A & E

Does this look like the face of a toddler in the Emergency Room?  It is!

As we were getting Brian ready for bed, he tripped over his own feet and bit through the outside skin and the inside flesh (but not all the way through) of his lower lip. Off to A&E we went.   Brian kept saying : “Momma lip bite bleeding. Momma bleeding.” Brian had fallen asleep during the car ride so I walked into A& E with a sleeping/bleeding boy on my shoulder. Right away the hospital admissions staff asked few questions (name, DOB, my name, contact phone # and did he have a local doctor so they could send a letter indicating any follow up that might be needed). Next they sent me back to the children's unit. I waited about 2 minutes to see the nurse who looked Brian over -made the initial diagnosis and made sure nothing else was wrong. By then Adam showed up. Then we waited 30 minutes or less to see the doctor, who made the final diagnosis and we were treated within 5 minutes after that. They gave Brian liquid stitches to hold his outside bottom lip together and his full bottle of antibiotic (so I didn't have to find a pharmacy on my way home) to keep the inside lip from getting infected. In total we were there for less than 1.5 hours and that included observation time to make sure he was not allergic to the medicine. One more thing: it was ENTIRELY FREE!

In the mean time, Linda took Alexandra to the Observatory at Keele. Anusha walked them there through the woods. They had a good time looking at the moon. When they were ready to go home, the staff told them how to get to the Student Union. Alexandra told them, “if you can direct us to the student union, I can get us home from there” and she did!!! Grandma Linda was very impressed!

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